Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What's up with that?

You know those signs they have in public washrooms that say, "All employees must wash their hands before going back to the kitchen and making your pizza" (or something like that)? I noticed one recently that was posted over the mirror, and it had braille. I could just imagine a blind employee, about to go back to work after using the facilities, but then stopping to read a sign in braille. If she didn't wash her hands before she read the sign, she would get germs on the sign, and then when the next blind person came in she could get sick.That would be rough. All of the blind employees getting sick at the same time.

They have braille signs on the outside of the washroom doors in lots of places, too. Again with my imagination - I see a braille sign that says, "Ladies" and I start to think about a blind person, searching the walls, trying to find the sign for the Ladies room. It's like that Star Trek NG episode where they captured an injured Borg and put him in the brig on the Enterprise. He was searching along the wall, trying to find a plug-in to regenerate, poor guy. Can you imagine, being exhausted but not being able to get to sleep because you can't find a plug-in? I hate it when that happens.

I have nothing against blind people. I just thought the sign was funny. I don't really know any blind people, except the guy who did my tattoo, and he is just legally blind. True story. He can see a little bit, with a bright light. I hope he washed his hands after using the bathroom.

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