Sunday, February 14, 2021

Don't Mention It



Really -- there is no need to mention it . . . 

  • An online dating site for the Single Silver Senior crowd: You must be 18 to join. No, your braces don't count as 'Silver'. 


  • New scholarship from the Smithsonian points to a paradox of historic scope: Our writing system was devised by people who couldn't read.  Honestly, that one comes to us from Could be the same people who uncovered evidence that Edison invented the light bulb by candle light.

  • Did anybody ever wonder if Superman ever used a phone booth to make a call? And when did he make the time to go around to pick up all of his clothes? How did he conceal the cape under his Clark Kent duds? And the inquiry that inquiring minds inquire the most: did he ever take off the Superman spandex and cape to wash them?

  • Warning label on my bottle of sleeping pills: Caution, may cause drowsiness.

  • How is it that car manufacturers can sell cars made next year? Are they going by a different calendar, or do they have a time machine that sends back  next years' cars that don't sell because they are already selling the next years' model? Will they ever catch up ... or slow down to let the cars catch up?  Maybe they could do an ad campaign of dealerships selling cars that don't exist yet.

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